
VMware Cloud Director: Deploy, Configure, Manage [V10.6] («VMCDR5»)

In diesem Kurs konzentrieren Sie sich auf die Bereitstellung, Konfiguration und das Management von VMware Cloud Director® 10.6. Sie lernen, Workloads bereitzustellen, Organisationen und virtuelle Rechenzentren (VDCs) zu erstellen und vieles mehr.
Dauer 5 Tage
Preis 3'950.–   zzgl. 8.1% MWST
Kursdokumente Elektronische Original-VMware-Kursunterlagen (eKit)


Key Learnings
  • Bereitstellen von VMware Cloud Director
  • Verwalten von VMware Cloud Director zur Erfüllung der Anforderungen von Service Providern
  • Erstellen und Verwalten von VMware Cloud Director-Organisationen und vApps zur Erfüllung von Geschäftsanforderungen
  • Erstellen und Verwalten von VMware Cloud Director-Katalogen
  • Übertragen von Workloads virtueller Maschinen von VMware vSphere® zu und von VMware Cloud Director
  • Konfigurieren von Netzwerken für Organisationen und vApps mit VMware NSX-T Data Center
  • Verwalten von Ressourcen über die VMware Cloud Director-Konsole und mit VMware vRealize® Operations Manager
  • Aktivieren von VM- und Named-Disk-Verschlüsselung
  • Erstellen von VM-Grössen und Platzierungsrichtlinien
  • Verstehen von vApps und VM-Operationen und -Aktionen

1 Course Introduction

  • Introductions and course logistics
  • Course objectives

2 Software-Defined Data Center and VMware Validated Design

  • Define software-defined data center (SDDC)
  • Discuss VMware offerings for cloud-based services
  • Discuss the deployment options for VMware Cloud Director
  • Discuss VMware Validated Design™
  • Recognize the design considerations when creating a cloud environment on the SDDC using VMWare Cloud Foundation™

3 VMware Cloud Director Deployment and Configuration

  • Discuss the deployment options for VMware Cloud Director
  • Explain the two-stage deployment of VMware Cloud Director cells
  • Discuss failover mechanisms (automatic and manual) with VMware Cloud Director cells
  • Define switchover, promote, and fencing options of the VMware Cloud Director appliance
  • Understand the VMware Cloud Director appliance enhancements

4 VMware Cloud Director Provider Configuration

  • Describe how the compute resources are provided to VMware Cloud Director
  • Describe how storage is provided to VMware Cloud Director
  • Configure and manage storage for Virtual Datacenters (VDCs)
  • Briefly discuss network pools, external networks, and Tier-0 Gateways
  • Showcase VMware Cloud Director integration with vCenter Server® and NSX-T Data Center
  • Describe VMware Cloud Director organizations
  • Understand organization policies
  • Explain how to access an organization using various portals
  • Understand organization VDC
  • Discuss what is Linked Clone and Fast Provisioning
  • Understand the use cases of Allocation Models

5 VMware Cloud Director User, Roles and Quota Management

  • Discuss user-bundle
  • Describe role-based access
  • Explain custom roles and rights
  • Describe and configure LDAP integration with Active Directory
  • Discuss OIDC authentication methods
  • Describe SAML identity provider

6 VMware Cloud Director Virtual Machines and vApps

  • Understand standalone VMs
  • Discuss the VM managing operations
  • Explain VM properties
  • Discuss deployment methods of vApps
  • Discuss the vApp managing operations
  • Discuss the vApp lease policies
  • Understand the vApps and VM actions
  • Explain vApp and VM badges

7 VMware Cloud Director Content Libraries

  • Explain the purpose of catalogs and how to create a catalog organization
  • Define catalog management and sharing catalogs inside and between organizations
  • Explain medias in VMware Cloud Director and its usage
  • Discuss vApp templates
  • Understand vApp template operations
  • Describe the purpose and usage of Open
  • Virtualization Format (OVF)
  • Discuss organization VDC templates

8 VMware Cloud Director Networking

  • Discuss organization VDC networks
  • List the types of organization VDC networks
  • Describe the edge gateway services
  • Explore the services offered by the edge gateway
  • Discuss sub-allocation IP pool and its use cases
  • Discuss DHCP, NAT, load balancer, and firewall services on the edge gateway
  • Discuss SNAT, DNAT, NO SNAT, and NO DNAT use cases
  • Discuss vApp networks
  • List the various types of vApp networks
  • Discuss routed, isolated, and direct vApp networks

9 VMware Cloud Director Storage and Compute

  • Describe named disks and shared named disks
  • Demonstrate how to attach and detach a named disk and a shared named disk
  • Describe methods of sharing the named disk
  • Discuss the implications of deleting VMs that have an attached named disk
  • Discuss how VMware Cloud Director VMs and disks are encrypted
  • Explain the storage policy capabilities
  • Demonstrate how VM sizing and placement policies are published
  • Discuss vCenter server and VMware Cloud Director IOPS storage policies usage
  • Discuss how to enable and use the storage IOPS limitation in VMware Cloud Director
  • Describe the storage policy supported entities

10 Extensibility and UI Additional Features

  • Explain custom advisories, global search, guided tours, data exporter, keyboard shortcuts, and quick search
  • Understand vcd-cli supported command
  • Discuss various vcd-cli tools

11 VMware Cloud Director Resource Monitoring

  • Identify log locations for VMware Cloud Director
  • Manage vSphere and cloud resources from VMware Cloud Director
  • Understand monitoring of objects from VMware
  • Cloud Director portals
  • Briefly introduce vRealize Operations Manager
  • Integrate VMware Cloud Director with vRealize Operations Manager
  • Configure VMware Cloud Director Management Pack
  • Understand dashboard, metrics, alerts, alert definition, and reports

Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Cloud-Architekten, Systemingenieure, Rechenzentrumsadministratoren und Cloud-Administratoren mit Erfahrung im Bereich Managed Services oder in der Verwaltung einer Service-Provider-Umgebung.


Der Abschluss des folgenden Kurses oder gleichwertige Kenntnisse werden vorausgesetzt:

    VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V8] («VM8ICM»)

    5 Tage
    • Bern, Zürich

VMware-Zertifizierung: Hier finden Sie einen Überblick über die VMware-Zertifizierungen.


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Virtual Training
CHF 3’950.-
zzgl. 8.1% MWST
CHF 3’950.-
zzgl. 8.1% MWST
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Virtual Training
CHF 3’950.-
zzgl. 8.1% MWST
CHF 3’950.-
zzgl. 8.1% MWST