Welcome to the Microsoft Learning Program by Digicomp

Standard off-the-peg training formats do not always fit for everyone. With Digicomp you decide when, where and how you want to learn. No matter what type of learner you are, we have the right offer for you in our learning program.

Autor/in Nathalie Riffard
Datum 08.10.2020
Lesezeit 4 Minuten

Every learner has his own way of learning and a successful learning program must take this into account. We continuously invest in the further development of our learning services.

Choose your preferred training modality. We offer “intensive” (full-day sessions in one go) or “flexible” (3h sessions over 3-4 weeks) formats. Both options come with integrated self-study on MS Learn accompanied by active Learning Support.


We offer in-class (full-day sessions in one go) or live virtual (3h sessions over 3-4 weeks) formats. Both options come with integrated self-study on MS Learn accompanied by active Learning Support. During the instructor-led sessions you will work with the official Microsoft course materials

Flexible Modality

In this concept during a period of 4 weeks, 6-8 half-day (3h) virtual live sessions with our MCT experts take place. The sessions are already planned and can be easily combined with your daily work routine. In between the sessions there is enough time to process the learned knowledge.

Intensive Modality

Here you invest a day of self-study with Microsoft Learning content before the training. In this way, you benefit significantly more from the instructor-led training days and can better process the expert knowledge and actually apply it later. The training takes place on site in a Digicomp classroom or virtually. These training take place in one piece and last the whole day. For this reason, this type of training is much more intensive than training over several weeks.


Self-study with ongoing learning support is part of both training modalities. All program participants have access to exclusive forum-based Learning Support to assist you in your self-study efforts. During self-study, you will work with the Microsoft Learn Learning Paths, which are also listed on our website for each certification.

The exclusive Learning Support from Digicomp is available for both training modalities from course booking until 30 days after the last day of the course.

Self-study with ongoing Learning Support


As usual, we work in both modalities exclusively with top MCT experts who all act according to the best-practice approach. It is our goal that the trainer can provide you with the context to the individual topics as well as value-added information that will help you in practice.


Digicomp operates a digital learning platform ecosystem that supports you in efficient learning and is the foundation on which the learning program is built and enables a scalable learning approach. The system is designed to minimize manual administrative tasks and to provide the necessary flexibility to conduct local and global training projects.

Have we convinced you?

Would you like to be part of our Microsoft Learning Program? Here you will find an overview of all the topics available in the program:

Would you like to be part of our Microsoft Learning Program? Here you will find an overview of all the topics available in the program:


Nathalie Riffard

Nathalie Riffard liebt es, gute Geschichten zu erzählen. Schon während ihres Studiums der Geisteswissenschaften verbrachte sie die meiste Zeit mit Recherchieren und Schreiben. Folgerichtig fand sie ihre erste berufliche Heimat als Redaktionsleiterin, wo sie bei der Betreuung diverser Werbepartner ihre Leidenschaft für Content Marketing entdeckte. Als Certified Digital Marketing Professional und Content & Communications Manager unterstützt sie heute das Marketingteam der Digicomp.
