If you want to be found on the web, you have to be at the top of the search results. But what are your customers looking for and which terms do they use? And: A top position is no longer enough. If the visitor does not get what he was looking for on your website, he will be gone within seconds.
In order to reach your customers via search engines and on your website, you need to know the problems and needs of your potential customers. Professional keyword research will help you.
1 Analyze and find keywords
2 Analyze competitors
3 Evaluate keywords
4 Use of keywords
5 Evaluation and optimization
1 Introduction for editorial offices and shop operators
2 Lab: Creating your own keyword list
3 Use of the keywords in the text
4 Structured Writing
5 Lab: Writing your own optimized text
6 Tools for text optimization
Marketing experts, business and private people who operate a website and want to increase their search engine findability for relevant search terms; employees of companies who have been commissioned with website optimisation, as well as participants who want to develop a basic understanding in order to be able to accompany and coordinate web optimisation projects.
Experience in dealing with the Internet and search engines, online affinity and enjoyment in writing texts. Previous participation in the following courses is an advantage:
Please bring your own laptop with you.
You can use it to store what you have seen and learned directly in your environment and use it immediately for your daily work in the company. If you do not have a laptop, we can provide you with a computer. After registering for the course, please contact info@digicomp.ch.
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