
From Colleague to Superior («H33748»)

Team leaders are often recruited from within the company. In this training, you will learn how to successfully master the role change from employee to manager and the associated challenges.
Duration 3 days
Price 3'200.–
Course Information This course is held in cooperation with Haufe Akademie.

Course facts

  • More confidence in dealing with the new role as a supervisor
  • Developing the individual leadership style
  • Goal-oriented and consistent management of difficult situations
  • Developing a personality profile
  • Clarity about what one needs for the new leadership position
  1. Clarification of the new leadership role
    • New requirements and tasks for my leadership role
    • Getting to know leadership styles
    • Developing your own leadership style
    • Using leadership tools in a targeted manner: Delegating, agreeing on goals, having conversations with employees, etc.
  2. Special problems when changing roles
    • How do I ensure acceptance in the new leadership role?
    • Mastering the leap from team member to team leader
    • How do I deal with older employees?
    • Distance and proximity, trust and control
    • Collegial or non-collegial behavior?
    • Delegation to former colleagues
    • Accepting and counteracting employees' fears, blockades and insecurities
    • Criticism is necessary – but how?
  3. Effects of my behavior on the employees' willingness to perform
    • What are the motivating factors?
    • Promoting constructive interaction with employees, colleagues and superiors
    • Can I control the performance of employees?
    • Gaining authority without being authoritarian
  4. Preventing problems – reflecting on your own understanding of leadership with an individual personality test
    • What is my self-image of leadership?
    • Where are my strengths and areas of development?
    • What are my "critical" results that I need to pay attention to?
    • What are the consequences for my new leadership task?
  5. The first 100 days – what tactical mistakes should I avoid?
The course lives from practical examples of the participants: Reflection of the situation, inputs from the instructor / the group promote the development process. In addition, dialogues, individual and group work and interaction exercises are used. This course is designed for emerging leaders who are about to take on leadership roles or want to prepare for the role as a leader. There are no formal requirements for this course. This training can also be offered virtually upon request.



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