
Enterprise Architecture in Agile Transformation («BPU»)

Agile mindset alone is not enough. Enterprise Architects consider the needs of many stakeholders in transformations. This course teaches the connection between team structures, skills & system architecture for an efficient transformation.
Duration 1 day
Price 850.–
Course documents Digital course materials (slides; PDF), Mini EU Rent case study (PDF), various exercises

Course facts

  • Understanding how the structure of teams, their skills, responsibilities and system architecture affect the efficiency and resilience of an organisation
  • Understanding how systems can be modularised in an aspect-oriented way
  • Evaluating a given business structure or system architecture for efficiency and resilience

In this workshop you will design the transformation of a company with a project-oriented, phase-oriented approach into a company that works with agile product teams. 
The task is to design the optimal structure of both the agile teams and the system landscape! 
For both companies, it is important to implement the same change request as efficiently as possible and, in doing so, to recognize which factors must be paid particular attention to in an agile transformation.

  • The advantages and disadvantages of the phase-oriented project approach
  • Important characteristics of an efficient company 
  • Identifying business processes as the basis for transformation 
  • Eliciting IT systems and meaningful system functionalities from the business processes
  • Modularizing the system landscape
  • Designing product teams and defining module owners
  • Measuring the efficiency of the transformed company on the basis of a change request
  • Identifying differences between the original company and the transformed company and recording findings

Component of the following courses

Workshop with individual small theory blocks as an aid for group work

  • Enterprise Architects
  • Business Architects
  • IT Architects
  • Software Architects
  • IT Consultants

Participants should have an understanding of IT projects and software engineering in general.

During company transformations, corporate architects have to define a target solution with many stakeholders. Here, very different needs play a role and lead to conflicts.

This workshop is intended to show enterprise architects in particular the connection between team structures, their required skills, and their responsibilities with the selected system architecture, so that they can bring this aspect into the transformation discussion.



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