
Architecture-relevant IT platforms 2.0 («ARP2»)

IT platforms are extensive and influence an IT architecture. For this reason, IT platforms should be selected and deployed in a targeted manner. In this course, you will get an overview of important IT platforms and their architectural aspects.
Duration 2 days
Price 1'900.–
Course documents Digital Digicomp courseware, «J2EE/JAVA EE kompakt – Enterprise Java. Konzepte und Umfeld» by Arne Koschel et al and «.NET 3.0 kompakt» by Ralf Westphal

Course facts

  • Understanding the basic architectural characteristics of major IT platforms and platform types
  • Understanding the key aspects of IT platforms in the context of an organization's IT landscape
  • Understanding scenarios and selection criteria for IT platforms
  • Participating in the selection of IT platforms, taking into account a given IT landscape in the organization 
  • Comparing different IT platforms in terms of their architectural relevance 
  • Classifying IT platforms architecturally (including new ones)
  • Familiarising yourself with the IT platforms discussed

When developing IT systems, more or less architecturally relevant IT platforms (infrastructures) are usually used. An architect should therefore assess the IT platforms used according to their architectural relevance and take them into account when creating and implementing an IT architecture or software architecture. Only then will architecture be fit for purpose.

  • Basics of IT platforms and types in the context of architecture
  • Cloud computing platforms
  • Mobile platforms
  • Component platforms using Java and .NET as examples
  • Mainframe platforms
  • Architectural aspects, tools and application scenarios of the mentioned IT platforms
  • Virtualisation and container platforms

Component of the following courses

This course is aimed at architects, developers, and decision-makers who want a sound overview of important IT platforms.

Good general computer science knowledge. We recommend attending the following course or equivalent:



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