
Self-organization and Time Management («H33752»)

Would you like to optimize your time management? In this course you will deal with your self-organization, recognize your priorities and optimize your individual work methodology. You will become more efficient and achieve your goals more easily.
Duration 2 days
Price 2'200.–
Course Information This course is held in cooperation with Haufe Akademie.

Course facts

  • Getting to know the classic methods of time management
  • Analyzing and optimizing your own work style
  • Learning how to set priorities clearly and sensibly
  • Learning how to eliminate disruptive factors and time thieves
  • Sustainable improvement of self-organization and personal time management
  1. Professional self-management
    • How to cope with complexity, networking, digital information overload and the expectation of constant availability
    • Feeling like all topics and tasks are important / urgent and should be dealt with as quickly as possible
    • Avoiding typical traps when setting goals
    • Formulating and achieving goals realistically, taking into account the framework conditions
    • Formulating goals in an agile environment
    • Knowing personal performance times and using them effectively
  2. Basics of time management
    • Recognizing, setting and implementing priorities
    • Using the Pareto principle and Eisenhower matrix for individual goal achievement
    • Maintaining an overview especially for long-term tasks
  3. Planning techniques: Daily and weekly planning
    • Planning and completing tasks effectively
    • Everyday challenges: planning realistically and including the unpredictable
    • Digital and analog tools: Gaining an overview of tasks, activities and deadlines
  4. Time thieves and disruptions under control
    • Recognizing and eliminating typical time thieves
    • Reducing frequent disturbances and interruptions
    • Saying no: more freedom by setting boundaries
  5. Work methodology: organizing your own workstation efficiently
    • Gaining an overview on the desk, eliminate paper piles
    • Managing the flood of information professionally
    • Getting a grip on the flood of e-mails
    • Optimizing work methods individually
This course consists of a mix of impulse phases and interactions such as individual and group exercises, moderated testimonials, practical cases as well as discussions. This course is designed for employees who want to review and specifically improve their work technique and self-management. There are no formal requirements for this course. This training can also be offered virtually upon request.



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