1 Types of conflict
- Conflicts in business practice
- Conflicts in teams, groups and organizations
- Role and goal conflicts
2 Recognizing conflicts
- Causes and symptoms of conflicts
- Basic forms of human behavior
- Recognizing conflict potential
- Developing early warning systems
- Dynamics of escalation in conflicts
3 Attitude towards conflicts
- Recognizing one's own attitude towards conflicts
- Own conflict styles in the field of tension to their environment
4 Conflict diagnosis and analysis
- Analysis of one's own reactions and ability to deal with conflict
5 Targeted conflict management
- Basic patterns of conflict resolution
- What helps in conflict: guiding questions of conflict analysis
- Variety of strategies in conflicts
6 Conflict resolution techniques
- Exiting the conflict spiral
- Conversation and communication techniques in conflicts
- Building blocks of conflict conversation
- Dealing with resistance
- Use of tension potentials