
First-time Superior («H33750»)

New to a supervisor position? Get the necessary confidence for your new task. In this seminar you will gain clarity about your new role. Learn to develop your own leadership style and use important leadership tools in a targeted manner.
Duration 2 days
Price 2'200.–
Course Information This course is held in cooperation with Haufe Akademie.

Course facts

  • Establishing yourself as a leader clearly and confidently in your new role
  • Developing your own leadership style
  • Targeted use of the most important leadership tools
  • Confident mastery of critical situations
  1. Gaining orientation in the new role
    • Successfully mastering the start as a manager
    • Distinguishing between management and technical work
    • Shaping relationships with employees, colleagues and superiors
    • Getting to know and using different leadership styles
  2. Leadership tools and tasks in practice
    • Delegating in a professional manner
    • Recognizing and motivating
    • Agreeing on goals, defining processes, clarifying roles
    • Conducting discussions with employees
    • Giving appropriate feedback
  3. Conducting conversations in critical situations
    • Confident, situational handling of the individuality of employees
    • Dealing with conflicts between employees
    • Dealing with older employees
    • Communication in the event of misconduct or lack of motivation
    • Dealing with emotions
    • How do I prepare for difficult conversations?
  4. Taking an active and clear leadership position
    • Comparing self-image and public image: Reflecting on your own leadership behavior and your own leadership personality
    • Encouraging personal responsibility and initiative
    • Acting clearly
    • Learning from mistakes
    • Questioning one's own understanding of one's role as a leader, recognizing and building on strengths
Impulse phases alternating with individual and small group work, role plays, exchange of experiences, processing of participants' practical cases and feedback. This course is aimed at junior managers who are soon to be entrusted with leadership tasks as team, group or department leaders, as well as managers who have recently assumed leadership responsibility. There are no formal requirements for this course. This training can also be offered virtually upon request.



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