
Coaching as a Leadership Tool («H33769»)

Learn how to increase the potential and personal responsibility of your employees with special coaching methods. You will relieve yourself in your own leadership work and can perform that role situationally and competently in the best possible way.
Duration 2 days
Price 2'200.–
Course Information This course is held in cooperation with Haufe Akademie.

Course facts

  • Using the most important coaching techniques for effective employee interviews
  • Advising employees in difficult and complex situations 
  • Encouraging employees through motivational and solution-oriented interventions and personal relief

1 Basics of coaching

  • What is coaching anyway?
  • When is coaching useful and when is it not?

2 The role of the manager as coach

  • Is there a need for a clear role change between executive and coach?
  • What expectations are placed on me as a manager for successful coaching?
  • Does my leadership behavior/style fit coaching?

3 Prerequisites for successful coaching

  • Checking your own clarity and attitude
  • Creating a trusting and supportive relationship
  • Empathy as the key to understanding the views of employees

4 Targeted management of coaching conversations

  • She who asks, leads: using targeted questioning techniques to analyze problems
  • Active listening
  • From problem to goal – designing a clear clarification of the assignment
  • Taking a step back and simultaneously actively steering the conversation

5 Putting yourself under the microscope

  • Reflecting on your own values, beliefs and attitude
  • How do my thought patterns affect my behavior?
  • To what extent can I, as a manager, be my own coach?
  • Aligning self-image and external image through feedback from the group

6 What can be achieved through successful coaching?

  • Encouraging employees to take responsibility for their own actions
  • Constructive resolution of conflicts
  • Motivation and increase in efficiency
  • Reduction of uncertainty and blockades in change processes

Impulses from the trainer alternating with interactions such as small group and individual work with concluding plenary exchange as well as work on practical cases of the participants with feedback from trainer and group.

Managers who would like to optimize their leadership behavior using coaching elements.

There are no formal requirements for this course.

This training can also be offered virtually upon request.



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