
Digital Enterprise Architecture («DIGIEA»)

IT infrastructure and key business aspects are assets of an organisation and can be described in the form of digital architectural models. This enables optimal business/IT alignment and optimal utilisation of the IT infrastructure.
Duration 3 days
Price 3'200.–
Course documents Digital courseware

Course facts

  • Digitising and evaluating business aspects
  • Identifying business needs and deriving requirements
  • Digitising business processes, products and business models
  • Designing and supporting a digital enterprise architecture
  • Evaluating business technologies for benefits and risks

By taking an appropriate inventory of IT and business assets, a company can not only optimise its IT in line with its needs, but also react agilely to external and internal changes and assess their consequences. In addition, these assets can be used as a basis for evaluating and planning the optimal use of new technological possibilities.

Day 1

  • Introduction
  • Models (types of models, sense and nonsense of models, typical pitfalls)
  • Architecture (What is architecture? Frameworks such as Zachman, TOGAF, ArchiMate, UPDM, MDEE)
  • Digitalisation of processes, products and business models
  • Business models I
  • Business objectives and strategy (BMM)
  • Business terminology and information (SBVR)
  • Business capabilities and resources (VDML)

Day 2

  • Business Models II
  • Guidelines and business rules (SBVR and DMN)
  • Value creation and business processes (BPMN and CMN)
  • Organisation and responsibilities (VDML)
  • Technology models I
  • Requirements and derivation (SysML)
  • Functional specification and data (UML)
  • Testing, i.e. verification and validation (UTP)

Day 3

  • Technology models II
  • Design of services
  • Anatomy of IT systems (UML)
  • Operational aspects
  • Transformation
  • Programmes and projects
  • Artefacts, model transformations, documents and tools
  • Cultural change and governance
  • Summary and conclusion

For most of the above, appropriate formalisms for visualising the relationships, techniques for developing the relevant information and appropriate technologies are taught.

Component of the following courses

Teaching of theoretical concepts and techniques, demonstrations and practical group exercises based on an ongoing case study.

This course is aimed at people who want to exploit the opportunities of digitalisation for parts of the business or even the whole business, aspiring enterprise architects, business engineers and business analysts, programme/portfolio managers as well as IT project managers and solution architects.

Several years of practical experience in the field of IT development are required.



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