Object-oriented Design with Patterns («ODP»)
Modern software systems should be flexible and yet transparent. Design patterns serve this purpose by ensuring the reusability and maintainability of systems in a simple way.
2 days
Course documents
Digicomp Kursmaterial
Course facts
- Comprehensive knowledge of design patterns and their application in object-oriented design
- Use of design patterns
- Designing and implementing object-oriented applications so that they are easily adaptable, extendable and maintainable
- Assessing and further developing object-oriented applications and frameworks with regard to these properties
- Introduction
- Aspects of flexible software design
- Overview of patterns
- Software Design Level Model (SDLM)
- What are design patterns?
- Structure and use of design patterns
- What can design patterns be used for?
- Pattern catalog of the «Gang of Four»
- Creation patterns
- Structure patterns
- Behavior patterns
- Examples of design patterns
- Observer
- Singleton
- Chain of Responsibilities
- Exercise series with design problems and design patterns as a solution
- Abstract Factory
- Builder
- Prototype
- Adapter
- Composite
- Proxy
- Interator
- Strategy
- Visitor
- Further pattern catalogs
- «Siemens Catalog»
- «Analysis Patterns»