Do you want to scale agile practices? In our SAFe® training courses, you will learn how to implement a scalable workflow model that will bring more transparency, optimised collaboration and shorter product development cycles to your organisation.

We have been training SAFe® 6.0 since 20 March 2023.

SAFe® 6.0 offers improved support for Business Agility, Agile Release Trains (ART), Continuous Delivery Pipeline, Portfolio Management and Scaling. Read more about SAFe® 6.0 in our blog.

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Are you facing the complex challenge of agile transformation?

Then the SAFe® Framework may be the best answer. The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe® for short) enables you to scale agile practices such as Scrum or Kanban. SAFe® provides a detailed and structured approach to implementing and scaling agile principles in large organisations. The results are: Transparency, short feedback loops, higher productivity and better quality.

Get to know, understand and implement the Scaled Agile Framework in your organisation with our training courses.

Scrum vs SAFe®: What's the difference?

Scrum and SAFe® are both agile methods. However, they differ in scope and focus.

Scrum is a lightweight framework that focuses on the work of a small to medium sized team. The team works iteratively and incrementally to develop products. The focus of Scrum is on delivering working product increments in short, defined iterations (sprints).

SAFe®, on the other hand, is a comprehensive framework designed to scale agile methods in large organisations. It takes care of the coordination of multiple agile teams. The Scaled Agile Framework aims to optimise the entire value chain, coordinate strategic alignment, improve collaboration across teams and departments, and drive continuous improvement at the enterprise level.

In summary, Scrum can be used as a component of SAFe®, integrating the principles and practices of Scrum into the broader structure of SAFe®.

Our range of SAFe courses

Is the Scaled Agile Framework being discussed in your organisation, or SAFe® has been a topic for some time, but you don't know what SAFe® is? Start your training now with the Leading SAFe® (SA) training to get an optimal overview of the Scaled Agile Framework and learn how the individual agile teams work together.

Product Owner / Product Manager and Scrum Master

As a Product Owner, are you wondering how to manage the requirements through the SAFe® organisation and the various backlogs? Or do you have difficulties in prioritising, do you not have a clear understanding of the roles and activities of PM / PO / Scrum Master / RTE and do you want clarity here? These questions are addressed in the SAFe® 6.0 Product Owner and Product Manager training. The SAFe® 6.0 Scrum Master training, on the other hand, is the ideal preparation for future Scrum Masters in a SAFe® organisation who want to be optimally prepared for the agile transformation.

Lean Portfolio Management

If you also want to successfully implement Lean Portfolio Management, we recommend that you attend the SAFe® 6.0 Lean Portfolio Management training. In this training you will learn how to align Strategy & Finance, Operations and Governance and how to build and manage a Lean Portfolio.

We also offer the following SAFe® training courses SAFe® DevOps (SDP), SAFe® for Architects, Agile Product Management (6.0) and SAFe® for Teams (SP).

These SAFe® training courses will make you a key player in agile environments: Learn to coordinate multiple teams with ART, integrate DevOps for a seamless delivery pipeline, align technical strategies with business goals as a SAFe® Architect, and launch successful, value-driven products as a Product Owner.

Want to know more about the benefits of SAFe®? Read our article Why SAFe® ?

Optimum learning success guaranteed

Digicomp works with certified Scaled Agile trainers. They only teach for Digicomp on a part-time basis; they work full-time as Agile coaches in companies – and are therefore very familiar with your individual challenges. Through an interactive training experience, they ensure that you not only enjoy being on campus or live online, but that you can apply what you have learned directly in your organisation.