Purchasing SAP Competence Pass
Demonstrate with the SAP Competence Pass that you can effectively perform incidental tasks in the area of purchasing/disposition in line with the system.

Demonstrate your acquired SAP knowledge with the SAP Competence Pass - for more opportunities on the job market. With this certificate you show that you can apply the most important functionalities of SAP in the area of purchasing in practice.

The SAP Competence Pass is part of an international initiative through which completely new formal qualifications have been created. The target group are people with no previous knowledge, who have learned the basics of SAP application in a short time and want to get a qualified certificate.

The «SAP Competence Pass - SAP ST (Purchase Tasks)» exam is electronic, available in German, lasts one hour and comprises a total of 40 questions with a pass rate of 60% (at 80%, participants receive a distinction). German language skills at C1 level are required. No aids are permitted. It is an online exam with screen simulation (small SAP transactions are processed on the screen).