
IT & Cybersecurity Risk Management («RISK»)

You want to protect confidentiality, integrity and the availability of information and IT systems? In this course, you will learn how to systematically record and manage risks related to IT and cybersecurity.
Duration 1 day
Price 950.–
Course documents Digicomp courseware (digital)

Course facts

Key Learnings
  • Developing a foundation for information security
  • Embedding information security in management and the board of directors
  • Integrating information security requirements into all processes
  • Defining security requirements
  • Integrating information security into business continuity management

Every organization must actively defend its systems. There are simply too many threats, too many potential vulnerabilities and simply not enough resources to provide 100% security. Therefore, risk management is essential. And this is the answer to the question of how an organization can best protect or defend its crown jewels.

Risk management is the fundamental instrument for making well thought-out and targeted defence strategies a reality. One of the challenges here is to identify and evaluate abstract, elusive risks uniformly throughout the organization and to communicate them in the direction of corporate management. Because it is not only up to the management to determine the risk appetite of the organization – remember: 100 percent is unrealistic. It may also be personally liable if a data breach occurs.

1. Half day

  • Introduction cybersecurity risk management
  • What is a cyber security risk?
  • Types of risks
  • The threat landscape
  • The impact of cyber-threats
  • Dealing with risks
  • Identify risks
  • Risk analysis
  • Threat mitigation

2. Half day

  • Risk Management
  • Risk management as part of a broader cyber security management approach
  • Compliance with cyber security standards
  • Risk Management Strategy
  • Best practice

Component of the following courses

Methodology & didactics

The knowledge of the participants is strengthened with interactive discussions (in plenary) and group work.

Target audience

This course is designed for Chief Information Security Officers in small and medium-sized companies, IT managers and CxO functions with an interest in or need for information security.


Activity as security officer or information security officer and practical/professional experience in IT security. 



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CHF 950.-
exkl. 8.1% Mwst.
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CHF 950.-
exkl. 8.1% Mwst.
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Guaranteed to take place. Register now!
CHF 950.-
exkl. 8.1% Mwst.
Guaranteed to take place. Register now!
CHF 950.-
exkl. 8.1% Mwst.