
Scaled Professional Scrum («SPSW»)

In this workshop, you will simulate a large software development project supported by the Nexus Framework. You will learn 50 different practices to reduce complexity and scaling dependencies.
Duration 2 days
Price 2'600.–
Course documents Original course documentation (English in digital form)
Please note: This course is only provided as an in-house training. Request your individual offer.

Course facts

  • Knowledge of new roles, artifacts and events in the Nexus framework to scale successfully
  • Organize the work of multiple teams on the same product to optimize productivity
  • Master techniques to detect irregularities and react appropriately to them
  • Recognizing and mastering possible challenges
  • Knowledge of techniques of agile software engineering for high code quality
In this workshop, you will learn how to professionally scale and solve scaling problems in many practical exercises. You will get to know the infrastructure, the practices and the tools you need for successful scaling. «Scaled Professional Scrum» introduces you to the SPS framework.  

  • Professional scaling
  • Solve scaling problems
  • The right infrastructure
  • Practices and tools
  • SPS framework
With the other participants, you will go through the process of creating and managing a Nexus, the core development unit within SPS. The training will help you apply techniques and principles that reflect personal practical experience gained by Ken Schwaber and over years of setting up and coaching scaling projects. These experiences are combined in the workshop with the knowledge that our trainer has gained in his own successful scaling projects. At the end of the workshop, you will know how to scale Scrum to increase the value of your software development.
This workshop is specially designed for people who have already successfully mastered Scrum and want to bring together several Scrum teams to jointly develop a large project or product. Reading the Nexus Guides and successfully passing the Open Nexus Assessments are mandatory. You should have the necessary knowledge of development techniques, tools and practices. Solid knowledge of Scrum is required. Preferably you have attended the following course and hold the certificate:
In order to take the official exam after the training, we will register you with for the exam. During the training you will receive an email from asking you to create a account (if you do not already have one).

After successfully completing the training, you will receive another email from with the password for the certification.
This training is only offered in-house, as a minimum of 8 participants is required. You are welcome to contact us if you are interested.

