
C# Introduction («CSE»)

This course offers a compact introduction to C# for programmers who have already mastered an object-oriented programming language such as Java, Python or C++.
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Duration 2 days
Price 1'600.–
Course documents Digicomp Courseware

Course facts

  • Knowledge of the syntax of C# and familiarity with the development environment of the .NET framework
  • Creating simple programs
  • Reading and adapting existing code
C# is an object-oriented programming language for applications on Microsoft's .NET platform. With C#, you can create Windows desktop applications, Windows services, ASP.NET web applications, REST services and apps for iOS and Android, in short: any type of program on almost any platform.
In this introductory course, you will learn the most important language features within the .NET framework and the associated Visual Studio development environment.
  1. First steps with C#
  2. Classes and objects
  3. Basic data types
  4. Sequence control: branches and loops
  5. Operators
  6. Inheritance and interfaces
  7. Properties and indexers
  8. Structured exception handling
Programmers who already have some experience with a C-based language such as C/C++, Java, Python or JavaScript. Good knowledge of programming languages such as Visual Basic or C or basic knowledge of programming languages such as C++ or Java analogous to our corresponding courses:



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