Over the 3 days, students gain a real-world view of what it is like to build software with Scrum. They collaborate over a series of Sprints applying modern engineering practices, and using the
Scrum framework to manage complexity. The key focus of the class is on how to develop and deliver
increments of releasable functionality. Students will experience real-world challenges and issues,
and through a series of Sprints will learn how to continuously improve the way they perform their
The course teaches how Agile engineering practices and supportive DevOps tools complement Scrum and further advance a team’s capabilities. This course provides greatest value if the whole Scrum Team (Developers, Scrum Master and Product Owner) attend together and experience the power of real teamwork. Teams that attend together are not only able to apply learnings to their work immediately, but are also able to recall their classroom experiences to overcome particularly
challenging times.
Course topics:
- The Scrum Framework
- Working within a Scrum Team
- Definition of Done
- Backlog management practices and slicing features
- Code quality and Technical Debt
- Agile architecture practices
- Test Driven Development
- Pair Programming
- Agile Testing and other practices to ensure quality
- Using DevOps with Scrum