
Applying Professional Scrum for Software Development™ («PSDT»)

Applying Professional Scrum™ for Software Development (APS-SD) is a 3-day hands-on course where students experience how to deliver quality software using Scrum with Agile and DevOps practices.
Duration 3 days
Price 3'600.–
Course documents Original course documentation (English in digital form)
Please note This course is only provided as an in-house training. Request your individual offer.

Course facts

Key Learnings
  • Experiencing real collaboration between Developers, Product Owner and Scrum Master in the quest of building and delivering a high quality and valuable product
  • Building and delivering working software by applying modern Agile engineering practices and supportive DevOps tools
  • Understanding the synergy between the various elements of Scrum and complementary practices
  • Leaving the class with ways to identify common pitfalls and how to avoid them
Over the 3 days, students gain a real-world view of what it is like to build software with Scrum. They collaborate over a series of Sprints applying modern engineering practices, and using the 
Scrum framework to manage complexity. The key focus of the class is on how to develop and deliver 
increments of releasable functionality. Students will experience real-world challenges and issues, 
and through a series of Sprints will learn how to continuously improve the way they perform their 

The course teaches how Agile engineering practices and supportive DevOps tools complement Scrum and further advance a team’s capabilities. This course provides greatest value if the whole Scrum Team (Developers, Scrum Master and Product Owner) attend together and experience the power of real teamwork. Teams that attend together are not only able to apply learnings to their work immediately, but are also able to recall their classroom experiences to overcome particularly 
challenging times.

Course topics:
  • The Scrum Framework
  • Working within a Scrum Team
  • Definition of Done
  • Backlog management practices and slicing features
  • Code quality and Technical Debt
  • Agile architecture practices
  • Test Driven Development
  • Pair Programming
  • Agile Testing and other practices to ensure quality
  • Using DevOps with Scrum
Methodology & didactics
Group exercises challenge you to react quickly and understand what to do when you return to your workplace: The technology used, the frameworks and the toolset require minimal training. Each team works independently and selects a Scrum Master from its own ranks. The trainer is the product owner and prepares the team for a self-organized way of working. You have to deal with critical situations and learn to act under such conditions.

You will receive the course documents as a PDF after the seminar.
Target audience
The APS for Software Development course is intended for all members of a Scrum Team involved in developing and delivering software based systems including: architects, analysts, programmers, database developers, testers, managers, IT-Operations and others, including Scrum Masters and Product Owners. 

This course provides greatest value if the whole Scrum Team (Developers, Scrum Master and Product Owner) attend together and experience the power of real teamwork. Teams that attend together are not only able to apply learnings to their work immediately, but are also able to recall their classroom experiences to overcome particularly challenging times.

Of course, this class is also valuable to individuals attending without their entire team. These students will experience working on a Scrum Team during the class and will be able to transfer their learnings to their teammates, often convincing their teammates of the advantages of using Scrum, Agile and DevOps practices.
This course is aimed at team members who already have basic knowledge of Scrum and experience in Java.
In order to take the official exam after the training, we will register you with for the exam. During the training you will receive an email from asking you to create a account (if you do not already have one).

After successfully completing the training, you will receive another email from with the password for the certification.

The price for the certification is included in the course. You can take the exam anytime and anywhere after the training: 60 questions in English, duration 80 minutes. The exam is passed if you answered 85% of the questions correctly.
Additional information
The course code is available in Java, .NET or Pyhton. Please bring your notebook to the seminar and make sure that you can compile and edit your favorite language from above (IDE & JDK for compiling Java like IntelliJ or Eclipse, IDE for .NET: Visual Studio or Rider, IDE for Python: PyCharm or similar). At least 6 persons are required for the course. For this reason this training is (mostly) only offered as in-house training.



Any questions?
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Last name
Company optional
I would like to book this course as a company course
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Last name
Company optional
Number of participants
Desired course location
Start date (DD.MM.YYYY)
End date (DD.MM.YYYY)
We currently do not have any dates scheduled.

We currently do not have any dates scheduled.

But we can arrange one for you. We will be happy to advise you individually on your course planning.

Contact us
We currently do not have any dates scheduled.