
Jira administration («JIRA02»)

This is the course for you if you want to become familiar with Jira configuration and learn the skills necessary to manage your own Jira development project from design to deployment.
Duration 2 days
Price 2'400.–
Course documents Digicomp courseware in English (digital)

Course facts

  • Managing Jira configurations
  • Efficiently leading a Jira deployment
  1. Deployment Methodology
    • Why a methodology ?
    • Analysis phase
    • Design phase
    • Implementation phase
    • Deployment phase
    • Operating phase
  2. Configuration
    • Configuration concepts
    • Users, groups, roles
    • Issue types
    • Screens
    • Custom fields
    • Permissions
    • Workflows
    • Notifications
    • Global settings
    • Issues settings
    • Default configuration
  3. Advanced Settings
    • Email templates
    • Internationalisation
    • Services
    • Listeners
    • Add-ons
    • Advanced reporting
    • Integration
    • API

Users with Jira knowledge who want to become Jira administrators

Good knowledge of the most important Jira concepts or attendance of the following course:

Please note: The training will be on the Jira Data Center / Service version. The trainer will discuss the differences to the Atlassian Cloud. In-house trainings can of course take place on either the Atlassian Cloud or the Server variant. Please let us know your preferences for in-house training in advance.



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