The training course has a modular structure and consists of 10 classroom and online seminar days.
Module 1: Process Improvement Practice (3 days)
Module 2: Strategic process management (3 days)
Module 3: Continuous Improvement Process CIP (3 days)
Module 4: Practical transfer and conclusion (1 day) – mandatory module
This training is aimed at specialists such as process managers, BPM experts, process organisers, (in-house) consultants, project managers as well as managers and employees who are responsible for designing and managing processes.
There are no formal admission requirements. Initial practical experience in the field of process management is an advantage.
This training consists of three modules and leads to the degree «Process Management SGO». The performance record consists of continuous attendance (at least 80%), an examination workshop in the final module and 1 mandatory module, which must be attended 100%.
This course is conducted in cooperation with our partner SGO Business School.