Building on the knowledge acquired in the CPRE (Foundation Level) certification, the
IREB CPRE | Advanced Level – Elicitation course will deepen and expand your requirements elicitation skills. The focus is on the application of the skills you have learned. You will deepen your knowledge in the area of stakeholder analysis and other requirements sources. You will expand your knowledge of elicitation techniques and their appropriate use. You will learn how to recognize, evaluate and deal with conflicts in requirements analysis.
1 Basics - Communication theory and models
- Skills required in the area of elicitation
2 Planning the implementation of requirements elicitation - Relevant influencing factors for planning investigation and conflict resolution activities
- Planning and executing requirements elicitation and conflict resolution
- Process patterns
3 Sources of requirements - Basics of requirements sources
- Identifying, classifying, selecting and documenting stakeholders
- The user as a special stakeholder group
- Identifying, classifying, selecting and documenting documents
- Identifying, classifying, selecting and documenting systems
4 Identification techniques - Thinking tools
- Questioning techniques
- Observation techniques
- Artifact-based techniques
- Design and ideation techniques
- Structuring investigation techniques
5 Conflict resolution - Identifying, analyzing and resolving conflicts
- Documenting conflict resolution