Discover our practice-oriented Windows Server training courses. Whether you are an experienced user or just starting out, we have the right course for every level.
Discover our hands-on Windows Server training courses now. Whether you're an experienced user or just starting out, we have the right programme for you. Our training courses provide you with in-depth knowledge and the latest best practices for successful server administration.
Benefit from our comprehensive range of excellent Windows Server 2022/2019/2016 and SQL Server training courses. Whether you have server experience from previous generations or are new to the subject, we have the right course for you.
All our trainers are Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCT) and work full-time in their field. As a result, you benefit not only from a comprehensive presentation of the official course content, but also from their extensive project experience.
Thanks to hybrid classrooms, you can choose whether you want to attend on campus or live online.