Microsoft Penetration Testing

Elevate your security skills and approach with our in-house developed courses and workshops. Learn about common misconfigurations and how to fix them.
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These courses follow the Assume Breach principle of Zero-Trust Model for Microsoft Security architects.

First, there is a complete live demonstration of a cyber attack from external information gathering to data extraction. The demonstration then goes deeper into the evasion techniques that experienced hackers use. Later, Microsoft 365 Defender comes to the rescue. Components like Microsoft Defender for Endpoint with Attack Surface Reduction rules, Microsoft Defender for Office 365, Microsoft Defender for Identity configurations will be implemented. In the last module, we explore the behavior of ransomware and methods of protecting against it.

Each module contains custom hands-on labs. These hands-on labs provide participants with the opportunity to apply the concepts learned in the course and practice their skills in a controlled environment. Students will have access to virtual machines where they can simulate cyber attacks, practice evading detection, and implement Microsoft 365 Defender components to enhance their organization's security.

Throughout the courses, participants will also learn about the latest trends in cyber attacks and how to stay up-to-date on new threats. They will understand the importance of continuous monitoring and threat intelligence to detect and respond to attacks effectively.

By the end of the courses, participants will have a comprehensive understanding of the Assume Breach principle, advanced evasion techniques, and the implementation of Microsoft 365 

Defender components for enhanced security. They will also have practical experience through hands-on labs to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.