
VBA deepening for Word («VBWRD»)

This two-day seminar is aimed at users and developers who have VBA basics and want to further automate tasks and processes in Word.
Duration 2 days
Price 1'300.–
Course documents Digital Courseware

Course facts

  • Deepening your knowledge of VBA in Word
  • Creating Word document templates
  • Understanding the Word object model
  • Integrating controls into forms

1 Word object model

  • Application
  • Documents, templates
  • Range, selection

2 Templates

  • “NORMAL.dotm
  • Styles
  • Creating own templates

3 Document structure

  • Pages
  • Sections, paragraphs, and words
  • Header and footer
  • Tables
  • Graphic elements


  • Positioning bookmarks
  • Content bookmarks
  • Defining bookmarks
  • Filling bookmarks with content

5 Automation

  • Starting macros in different ways
  • Reacting to events with macros
  • Using quick parts and autotext functionalities

6 Forms

  • Working with controls, ie textboxes, buttons, combo boxes,...
  • Programming of event procedures

7 Importing data from other Office applications

Power users, Office Managers, users and developers who work with Excel, already have previous knowledge of VBA that want to automize processes in regards to Word documents.

No VBA basics are taught in this course. A very good knowledge of Word and VBA is required, as well as the attendance of the following course with an interval of 4-6 months:

This course is also suitable for users of Word 2016, 2013 and 2010.



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