
VBA deepening for Excel («VBXLS»)

This two-day course is intended for users and developers who have VBA basics and want to automate tasks and processes even further in Excel.
Duration 2 days
Price 1'300.–
Course documents Digicomp courseware

Course facts

  • Deepening your knowledge of VBA in Excel
  • Creating your own formulas and dialogs
  • Programming fully automated report generation 
  • Solving real-world problems with VBA in Excel confidently and independently 
  • Understanding the Excel object model
  • Implementing your own programs in a stable and secure way 

1 The Excel Object Model

  • The Object Hierarchy
  • The most important Excel objects
  • The most important enumerated objects
  • References to the Active Item

2 Working with cells and ranges

  • Cell and range addressing
  • The Range object
  • The Cells method

3 Working with Tables and Workbooks

  • Response to tables and workbooks
  • Managing Workbooks

4 Error handling

  • Intercept Error
  • Using Visual Basic Test Helps

5 Event-driven programming

  • Event procedures at the table and workbook levels
  • Auto Macros

6 Automate with Excel

  • Simple controls
  • ActiveX Controls
  • Access and control of Excel and dialog boxes
  • Save user settings to the registry
  • Merge data from multiple tables
  • String Functions

7 Forms

  • Using UserForms
  • Definition and programming of controls in forms
  • Read data in forms
  • Save Form Data

8 Text files

  • Distinguishing types of text files
  • Read and write text files
  • Import text files into Excel spreadsheets

9 Improving the duration and stability of the programme

  • Screen update
  • Control of recalculation

10 Practical Tips and tricks

Power users, users and developers who work with Excel already have previous knowledge of VBA and now want to deepen their knowledge of programming Excel.

Excellent VBA skills are required to attend this course. In particular, attendance of the following course with an interval of 4-6 months is required:

This course is also suitable for users of Excel 2013 and 2010.



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