
Wordpress Advanced («WPRES2»)

This one-day course will give you plenty of inspiration and concrete help with many WordPress issues. The training for WordPress users who want more features, more security, more speed and more fun.
Duration 1 day
Price 900.–
Course documents Digicomp courseware

Course facts

  • Understanding how to keep your WordPress website secure: Protect your website from hackers and malware
  • Understanding how to make a WordPress website multilingual
  • Evaluating optimisation measures for your own website
  • Optimising WordPress with plugins for automation, optimisation and content display
  • Moving a server with a WordPress website
  • Implementing content planning

Do you already have a WordPress website and want to make it faster, more secure or multilingual? Or are you looking for tips to make your everyday WordPress life easier? Then this one-day hands-on course is for you.

1 How to make your WordPress website better and faster:

  • Live website check (if desired)
  • Make WordPress faster
  • Create better internal links
  • Everything about image optimisation, browser caching and more
  • Make the 404 error page customer friendly

2 How to create a multilingual WordPress website – easily and efficiently
3 How to make your WordPress more secure

  • Protect your website from hackers and malware
  • Change login URL
  • Create a backup, etc. 

4 How to make working with WordPress a «cooler» experience

  • Create text modules
  • Expand your media centre
  • Better search with insight
  • Customise blog or news workflow, tables, backend
  • Login page with your own logo 
  • More tips and tricks

5 How to «move» with WordPress: From one server to another, with no unpleasent surprises
6 Additional block:

  • Content planning for everyday use
  • Useful tips and tricks

This course is structured as an informative, exemplary and practical series of lessons, including hands-on exercises (you will be working on your own website).

This course is aimed at people who already work with WordPress and have some initial experience.

Basic knowledge of WordPress and initial experience. You will need access to a personal or business website.

Info about the room equipment
Our courses take place on Windows or Apple devices. On request, we will be happy to provide you with an Apple computer in Zurich, Bern and Basel. Please let us know in advance by sending an e-mail to You can also bring your own laptop.

For virtual participation, we recommend the use of an additional monitor (not just a laptop) so that you can fully follow and participate in the lesson.



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