
Communicating with infographics («ILLUM3»)

In this specialisation course you will discover how to use Illustrator specifically for new and existing infographics. Learn how to design diagrams individually and how to create instructions and other infographics more professionally and efficiently.
Duration 2 days
Price 1'600.–
Course documents Digital courseware
Course level Specialization for job roles and projects

Course facts

  • Using Illustrator specifically for infographics
  • Optimising existing infographics
  • Using advanced contours, symbols, brushes, patterns, gradients, etc.
  • Using CC libraries
  • Mastering 3D and isometry
  • Creating and editing diagrams
  • Knowing character and paragraph formats

1 Edit infographics

  • Transfer graphics from CAD
  • Analyze documents
  • Select and clean up graphic
  • Global processing
  • Select scripts and plugins in more detailed
  • Connect CAD paths to objects

2 Using symbols

  • Symbol management
  • Creating, using and editing symbols
  • Styling of symbols
  • Illustrate with symbols

3 Advanced contours

  • Define arrowheads yourself
  • Multiple contours
  • Extend width profiles

4 Brush and infographics

  • Typical requirements
  • Apply image brushes
  • Apply special brushes
  • Apply pattern brushes
  • Corners and ends for pattern brushes
  • Brush options
  • Advanced deployment options

5 Graphic styles and libraries

  • Reuse properties
  • Illustrator and CC libraries

6 3D and isometry

  • Applying 3D effects
  • 3D effects error handling
  • Images on 3D objects
  • Isometric design

7 Create diagrams

  • Diagram tools
  • Create diagrams
  • Individual design of diagrams
  • Edit diagrams
  • Diagrams and templates

8 Typesetting

  • Using and creating character and paragraph formats in Illustrator
  • Create labels

9 Dimensioning, gradients and section masks

  • Creating dimensions with plugins and scripts
  • Creating spatiality
  • Use gradients, gradient grids and adjustments
  • Display zoom magnifications/loupes

10 Patterns in the infographic

  • Creating hatches and textures
  • Produce samples
  • Edit samples
  • Creating textures with masks

Informative, exemplary and practice-oriented teaching sequence, as well as hands-on and follow-up exercises

This specialisation course is aimed at creative people who would like to take over the implementation of their projects themselves in the future and offer services from a single source, at media professionals (illustrators, graphic designers, marketing managers, design assistants and students, etc.) who wish to develop conceptually and concentrate on the field of infographics, as well as at technical illustrators, infographic designers and editors who want to learn how to solve their requirements in Adobe Illustrator.

You have good PC user skills (PC or Mac). You also have good knowledge of the Illustrator interface and basic program concepts. Participation in the following course or equivalent knowledge is recommended:

Information about the room equipment
Our courses take place on Windows or Apple devices. On request, we will be happy to provide you with an Apple computer in Zurich, Bern and Basel. Please let us know in advance by sending an e-mail to You can also bring your own laptop.

For virtual participation, we recommend the use of an additional monitor (not just a laptop) so that you can fully follow and participate in the lesson.

Adobe CC Software
The Adobe Creative Cloud Software will be fully available in the classrooms during the course. However, it is not possible to use the software via Digicomp licenses from home during the course.



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