
Challenging explanatory films with After Effects («AFTS»)

In this specialisation course you will learn how to explain complex contents with explanatory videos in a simple and playful way. We will show you the interaction of After Effects, Character Animator, Photoshop and Illustrator.
Duration 2 days
Price 1'700.–
Course documents Digicomp courseware
Course Level Specialisation for job roles and projects

Course facts

  • Knowing about the strengths of After Effects
  • Mastering the interaction between After Effects and other programs in the Adobe CC family
  • Deeper understanding of the tracking tool in After Effects
  • Using Character Animator
  • Using cartoon elements 
  • Creating challenging explanatory films

Develop a deeper understanding of the tracking tools in After Effects and how to use that data in interaction with Photoshop, Illustrator, and Character Animator for challenging character animation. You will also learn the intricacies of the text animation engine in After Effects.

  • Face tracking in After Effects
  • Data exchange with Character Animator (tracking data)
  • Create marionettes in Photoshop
  • Create marionettes in Illustrator
  • Animate marionettes in the Character Animator
  • Compositing in After Effects
  • Type animation in After Effects
  • Layering technique in After Effects

Informative, exemplary and practice-oriented teaching sequence, including hands-on and imitation exercises

This specialisation course is aimed at creative professionals who would like to take over the implementation of their projects themselves in the future and offer services from a single source, media professionals (marketing experts, video editors/journalists, graphic artists, designers and motion graphic artists) who want to present serious content in a simple, playful way, as well as publishing agencies who would like to offer their customers the conception and production of challenging explanatory films as a service and implement them in-house in the future.

Basic knowledge in After Effects, Photoshop and Illustrator is required. Participation in the following courses or equivalent knowledge is recommended:

Information about the room equipment
Our courses take place on Windows or Apple devices. On request, we will be happy to provide you with an Apple computer in Zurich, Bern and Basel. Please let us know in advance by sending an e-mail to You can also bring your own laptop.

For virtual participation, we recommend the use of an additional monitor (not just a laptop) so that you can fully follow and participate in the lesson.

Adobe CC Software
The Adobe Creative Cloud Software will be fully available in the classrooms during the course. However, it is not possible to use the software via Digicomp licenses from home during the course.



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