
AI for Social Media Marketing («AISOME»)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will fundamentally change the tasks and processes around social media content and social media campaigns. This course shows what is possible with the new tools and where human expertise will still be needed.
Duration 1 day
Price 850.–
Course documents Digital Digicomp Courseware (PDF)

Course facts

  • Understanding the potential and limitations of AI for social media content and social media campaigns
  • Actively using various tools (e.g. ChatGPT, Adobe Firefly, Runway, HeyGen, Descript, Akkio, Attention Insight)
  • Developing own ideas for daily work
  1. Definition: What is (not) AI?
  2. Use cases: For which social media marketing tasks and processes is AI relevant?
  3. Case studies: What content and campaigns have already been implemented using AI?
  4. Strategy: How are the demands on human expertise changing?
  5. Exercises: How do the tools work?
  6. Ethics and regulation: What needs to be considered?

An engaging one-day course with a focus on interaction, exercises, and real-world examples

This course is aimed at individuals who want to increase their efficiency and productivity in planning and implementing social media tasks using AI, such as:

  • Head of Social Media
  • Head of Digital
  • Head of Content Marketing
  • Head of Performance Marketing
  • Social Media Strategist
  • Social Media Manager
  • Community Manager
  • Performance Marketing Manager
  • Content Marketer
  • Copywriter

Please bring your own laptop.

Social media experience on the agency or enterprise side is required.

First experiences with AI are recommended to understand the use cases faster (e.g. read blogposts about it or watch videos, try prompts at ChatGPT, generate images with Midjourney).

To save time during the course, please download the following tools in advance or create an account:

As preparation, we recommend attending one of the following courses:



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