
Adobe Firefly for AI beginners («AIFIRE»)

Be among the first to master the next step in the Adobe world and learn the skills to take your digital designs to the next level with generative AI «Firefly» in this course.
Duration 1 day
Price 850.–
Course documents Digicomp digital courseware

Course facts

  • Overview of Adobe Firefly capabilities: generating images from text (from photorealistic to fanciful), generative fill/replace, and automatic color fills and text effects
  • Learning the basics of generative AI
  • Achieving better results through effective prompt engineering in Adobe Firefly
  1. Getting Started
    • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in general
    • Generative AI in particular
    • How generative AI works
    • How generative AI affects the creative process
  2. Overview of Firefly and its tools
    • Text-to-image generator
    • Firefly text effects
    • Vector recoloring
    • Generative Fill
    • Firefly in Photoshop
    • Firefly in Illustrator
  3. AI Skills
    • How Text-to-Image works
    • How do I teach my AI? Getting the results you want with Prompt Engineering
    • Legal know-how
  4. Sample projects from web design, photography, and social media content creation, as well as ideas/topics brought by participants
  5. Workshop
  6. Q&A session
  7. Conclusions & Outlook

An informative, exemplary, and practice-oriented teaching sequence with exercises to participate in and follow along with. The course is designed as a hands-on workshop with plenty of time for individual questions. The focus is on working out results together, trying them out live, sharing, discussing and Q&A sessions, as well as the technical background and practical application.

This course is aimed at anyone who wants to improve their skills in working with AI-generated digital images. This includes beginners, photographers, administrative staff, as well as aspiring graphic designers, marketing professionals, and social media managers who want to create or edit images and graphic elements.

Completion of the following courses or equivalent knowledge is required:

Info about the room equipment
Our courses take place on Windows or Apple devices. On request, we will be happy to provide you with an Apple computer in Zurich, Bern and Basel. Please let us know in advance by sending an e-mail to You can also bring your own laptop.

For virtual participation, we recommend the use of an additional monitor (not just a laptop) so that you can fully follow and participate in the lesson.

Adobe CC Software
The Adobe Creative Cloud Software will be fully available in the classrooms during the course. However, it is not possible to use the software via Digicomp licenses from home during the course.



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