
Adobe Illustrator CC – Advanced («ILLUM2»)

In this advanced course you will learn constructive, advanced and time-saving techniques. We enable you to create complex illustrations in a solution-oriented, independent and professional way. There are no more limits to your creativity.
Duration 2 days
Price 1'400.–
Course documents Digital courseware

Course facts

  • Professional handling of Illustrator CC, considering numerous innovations and improvements
  • Development of an understanding of Illustrator concepts, so that solutions to problems can be worked out independently
  • Getting to know approaches to working with many objects
  • Obtain knowledge of the «artistic» functions for painting and photorealistic design
  • Introducing efficient methods for building more complex illustrations
  1. Set up documents more efficiently
    • Working with multiple artboards
    • The template system in Illustrator
    • Managing document profiles and templates
    • Creating your own document profiles and templates
    • Manage assets efficiently in Illustrator and CC Libraries
  2. Advanced drawing techniques
    • Using fill methods and opacity
    • Creating light reflections and reflections
    • Working with opacity masks
    • Solving special tasks with the image tracer
  3. Text objects
    • Creating point, path and area text
    • Setting up columns
    • Concatenating texts
    • Enclosing objects
    • Advanced typographic settings
    • Exciting text effects
    • Set texts along curves
    • Align to glyphs
  4. Efficient handling of many objects
    • Creating symbols
    • Using symbols
    • Editing objects globally
    • Efficiently recolor vector graphics
    • Graphic styles and text formats
    • Arranging objects with the Repeat function
  5. Drawing in perspective and 3D effects
    • Learn about different types of perspective
    • Constructing in perspective
    • Working with classic and 3D-and-material effects
  6. Deforming and scattering objects with vector brushes
    • Brush basics
    • Creating image brushes
    • Create special brushes
    • Create pattern brushes
    • Editing brushes
  7. Drawing and painting (with and without graphics tablet)
    • The vector-based painting techniques
    • Create cartoon illustrations: Calligraphy brush
    • Designing contour widths variably with the width tool
    • Working with drop brushes and erasers
    • Adjusting bristle brushes
    • Bristle brushes in production
  8. Controlling the appearance of an object
    • Appearance panel
    • Analyze appearance
    • Using effects
    • Creating contours and surfaces
  9. Creating hatches and repeats with patterns
    • Pattern basics
    • Creating seamless patterns
    • Pattern options
    • Edit patterns
  10. Working with color transitions in a photorealistic way
    • Depth creation techniques
    • Examples of photorealistic vector graphics
    • Creating approximations
    • Creating freehand gradients
    • Basics of grids
    • Creating and editing grids
  11. Advanced media channels
    • Illustrator for web use
    • Working with pixel accuracy
    • Creating buttons
    • Exporting assets
    • Save for web
    • Save SVG

Frontal teaching, informative, exemplary and practice-oriented teaching sequence as well as hands-on and follow-up exercises

This advanced course is aimed at graphic designers, marketing managers, illustrators and final artwork artists with a sound knowledge of illustration who want to deepen their knowledge and be successful as professionals in the field.

You have good PC user skills (PC or Mac). Illustrator skills on the desktop and basic concepts, creating geometric shapes, text and drawing pencil are required. Participation in the following course is recommended:

Information about the room equipment
Our courses take place on Windows or Apple devices. On request, we will be happy to provide you with an Apple computer in Zurich, Bern and Basel. Please let us know in advance by sending an e-mail to You can also bring your own laptop.

For virtual participation, we recommend the use of an additional monitor (not just a laptop) so that you can fully follow and participate in the lesson.

Adobe CC Software
The Adobe Creative Cloud Software will be fully available in the classrooms during the course. However, it is not possible to use the software via Digicomp licenses from home during the course.



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