
Effective Communication («H33753»)

Small things decide whether a conversation is satisfactory. A constructive, appreciative atmosphere is just as important as critical reflection on your communication style. Learn in this course how to communicate even more convincingly.
Duration 2 days
Price 2'200.–
Course information This course is held in cooperation with Haufe Akademie.

Course facts

  • Dealing with the topic of conversation and your own communication behaviour (theory and practice)
  • Learning and using proven conversation techniques and tools
  • Learning how to systematically prepare, structure and lead a conversation
  • Practising specific conversational situations from the workplace and getting practical tips on how to improve your conversational skills
  • Taking the floor at key moments and not being afraid to speak up
  • Appearing confident and striking the right tone by using the newly acquired conversation techniques


1 Communication basics

  • Communication models – different approaches
  • What is said is not heard: How true is my perception?
  • Factual and relational levels

2 My impact: self-image versus external image

  • Getting to know your own communication style
  • How much of what I say gets through?
  • Using my voice and body language effectively

3 Preparing for the conversation

  • Inner attitude and mental preparation during the conversation
  • The aim of the conversation: What do I want to achieve?
  • Framework conditions for a successful conversation

4 Techniques and strategies for a successful conversation

  • Using clarifiers to minimise the loss of information
  • Structure and a common thread Leading conversations with confidence
  • Leading with questions: Using questions effectively
  • Understanding before being understood: The technique of active listening
  • I-messages: Using feedback well

5 Mastering individual conversation situations

  • Using the right conversation tool at the right time
  • Remaining confident and calm in challenging dialogue situations such as misunderstandings or resistance

This course consists of a mix of conversation and behavioral exercises, role plays and professional impulse contributions. Reflection and feedback in small groups as well as in the plenum ensure your sustainable learning success.

This course is aimed at specialists and managers and all employees who want to review and optimize their conversational skills.

There are no formal requirements for this course.

This training can also be offered virtually upon request.



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