Docker Administration and Operations («DOCKER»)
After the training, attendees will have a theoretical and practical knowledge of the Docker platform.
3 days
Course facts
- Understanding the building blocks of the Linux containers
- Configuring and running the Docker daemon
- Running containers with various options
- Building Docker images
- Setup of an image registry
- Using Docker Machine to deploy Docker hosts
- Using Docker Compose to build and deploy complex applications
- Setup of a Swarm cluster
- Deploy services and applicative stacks on a Swarm
- Using various storage options
- Understanding the default security components available in Docker
- Understanding of how containers can communicate with each other
- Setup of a supervision stack
- Using a centralized log management solution
- Setup of a simple CI/CD pipeline
- Quick Wins
- Some examples of the immediate benefits brought by using Docker
- Useful concepts
- Linux containers' building blocks
- Containers vs Virtual Machines
- Micro-services architecture
- Cloud Native application
- DevOps
- The Docker platform
- Client / server architecture
- Essentials concepts
- Installation
- Online playground
- Exercises :
- Installation
- First command on «Play With Docker»
- Docker containers
- Container creation
- Ports publication
- Bind-mount
- Resources limitation
- Base commands
- Useful aliases
- Exercises :
- Containers creation
- Base commands
- Docker images
- Definition
- Union filesystem & Copy-On-Write
- Dockerfile
- Images creation
- Multi-stages build
- Cache
- Build context
- Base commands
- Exercises :
- Images creation
- Review of Dockerfile's instructions
- Usage of the multi-stage build
- Registry
- Usage
- Various providers
- Docker Hub
- Registry Open Source
- Docker Trusted Registry
- Exercises :
- Setup and configuration of the open source registry
- Storage
- Container and data persistence
- Volumes
- Volume drivers
- Storage orchestration with REX-Ray
- Exercises :
- Volume creation
- Ceph cluster with REX-Ray
- Docker Machine
- Usage
- Commands
- Host creation
- Communication with a remote host
- Exercises :
- Creation of a host on VirtualBox
- Creation of a host on a cloud provider
- Docker Compose
- Usage
- Docker-compose.yml file format
- Docker-compose binary
- Deployment of the VotingApp as a Docker Compose application
- Usage in development
- Exercises :
- Deployment of a stack Elastic
- Docker Compose
- Presentation
- The docker-composes.yml file format
- Basic instructions
- The docker-composing binary and its use
- Practical work:
- Deploying applications with Docker Compose
- Example with an Elastic stack
- Orchestration
- Docker Swarm
- Role of the nodes
- Services deployment
- Rolling update and rollback
- Secrets and Configs
- Stack
- Management interfaces
- Exercises :
- Setup a Swarm on a cloud provider
- Creation of Services
- Creation of a Stack
- Usage of Secrets and Configs
- Network
- Container Network Model
- Network drivers
- Networks on a single host
- Networks in a Swarm
- Routing mesh
- Security
- Isolation and resources limitation
- Linux Security Modules
- Capabilities / Seccomp
- Vulnerability scanning
- Content Trust
- Security in a Swarm
- Log management
- Best practices
- Log drivers
- Exercises :
- Send logs entries to an Elastic stack
- Send logs entries to Sumologic cloud solution
- Monitoring
- Prometheus stack
- Netdata
- Exercises :
- Deployment of a Prometheus stack
- Principles
- Workflow
- Setup with GitLab
- Docker Enterprise
- Overview
- Deployment on a cloud provider
- Demo
This training is made up of several parts. Each part contains some theory, demos, and practical exercises.
This course is targeted at people who wish to become a qualified Docker professional in the administration and operation of this first platform of software containers.
Attendees must be used to the Linux command line.