
macOS Support Essentials 14 – Sonoma («MACOS5»)

Acquire the knowledge to optimally support macOS Sonoma users. The course includes lectures, demonstrations, group discussions and practical exercises that convey practical experience.
Duration 3 days
Price 2'550.–
Course documents Digicomp courseware

Course facts

  • Using macOS Sonoma tools and resources for troubleshooting
  • Understanding macOS Sonoma features and functions, including how to find more information about macOS Sonoma
  1. Installation and Configuration
    • Update, upgrade, and reinstall macOS Sonoma
    • Set up and configure macOS on an individual Mac
    • Introduction to the command-line interface
    • Use macOS Recovery
  2. User Accounts
    • Manage user accounts and user home folders
    • macOS security and password management
  3. Data Management
    • Use hidden items, shortcuts, file archives, metadata, and Spotlight
    • Manage system resources and Time Machine
  4. File Systems and Storage
    • Manage file systems, storage, encryption, permissions, and file sharing
  5. Apps and Processes
    • Install, manage, and troubleshoot apps
    • Manage documents
  6. Network Configuration
    • Manage basic and advanced network settings
    • Troubleshoot network issues
  7. Network Services
    • Manage network services
    • Manage host sharing and the personal firewall
  8. System Management
    • Manage printers & scanners
    • Troubleshoot peripherals
    • Troubleshoot Startup and System IssuesMonterey

This course is designed for help desk specialists, technical coordinators, service technicians and anyone who supports Mac users. Technicians or power users who maintain a running OS-X network, as well as people who provide support at the workplace and use Macs.

Basic knowledge of macOS and computer navigation.



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