Red Hat OpenShift Installation Lab (DO322) teaches essential skills for installing an OpenShift cluster in a range of environments, from proof of concept to production, and how to identify customizations that may be required because of the underlying cloud, virtual, or physical infrastructure.
Course outline:Describe the OpenShift Installation Process - Describe and compare the Full Stack Automation and Pre-existing Infrastructure installation methods.
Install OpenShift in a Cloud Provider - Provision OpenShift clusters on Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud providers, with common customizations, using the Full-Stack Automation installation method.
Install OpenShift on a Virtualized Environment - Provision OpenShift clusters on hypervisors, with common customizations, using the Full-Stack Automation and the Pre-existing Infrastructure installation methods.
Plan to Install OpenShift without an Infrastructure Provider - Configure the prerequisites for provisioning OpenShift clusters without integration with the underlying infrastructure.
Install OpenShift without an Infrastructure Provider - Provision OpenShift clusters without integration with the underlying infrastructure.
Complete the Installation of OpenShift without an Infrastructure Provider - Perform essential tasks that are required before onboarding users and applications on a newly provisioned OpenShift cluster.