
Whether you want to enter the Linux/Unix world, expand on your professional knowledge, or improve your credentials with an internationally recognised certification, Digicomp accompanies you on your entire learning journey.

    From Zero to Hero: Start your Linux/Unix learning journey now

    Aspiring users of a Linux, Unix, OS-X, or BSD system are advised to take the course Practical Introduction to the Linux/Unix World (“LINUX”). You learn how to execute simple tasks int the command line and establish the foundation for further advanced training.

    If you already have practical experience and would like to expand on your knowledge, Digicomp has a comprehensive range of day courses available, depending on your job role as an administrator, engineer, or programmer.

    If you are pursuing an internationally recognised certification, you can also attend various training courses at Digicomp:

    You will acquire the knowledge to operate Linux systems productively in the course Certified Linux Administrator (LPIC-1) (“911”). This includes the installation, operation, and troubleshooting of servers as well as workstations.

    Building on this, we recommend the course Certified Linux Engineer (LPIC-2) (“921”) in order for you to familiarise yourself with system administration, system adaptation, troubleshooting, network services, and security aspects.

    Practical know-how for practical application

    With lots of interaction, exercises and case studies, our experienced trainers ensure that you can apply what you have learned in practice directly after the course. Thanks to our hybrid-equipped course rooms, you decide yourself whether you want to participate on-campus or online-live.