
Custom GPTs for optimized workflows («CUSGPT»)

In this course, you will get to know the GPT Store and its potential uses in your work. You will learn how to find and use useful GPTs and how to create your own custom GPTs.
Duration 0.5 days
Price 450.–
Course documents Digital courseware (PDF)

Course facts

  • Understanding the potential and limitations of GPTs for the tasks and processes in your own organization
  • Applying existing GPTs and creating your own GPTs so that you are ready to use them in your daily work after the course
  • Understanding the differences and advantages of GPTs compared to API and Microsoft Copilot

GPTs and the GPT Store launched in January 2024 show the future of ChatGPT. With the flexible AI applications, processes and tasks can be mapped to increase productivity, creativity and quality. In this course you will learn how to create your own GPTs or how to browse existing GPTs in the store. You will also learn what human expertise is still required despite artificial intelligence.

  1. Context: What are the strengths and benefits of custom GPTs? What is the difference to traditional chat? What tasks and processes are appropriate?
  2. Setup: What information and training data do you need? How do you check yourself? What frameworks are available?
  3. Testing & roll-out: What quality criteria need to be tested? How do you go about optimising? How to find internal and external users?

The course is designed to be interactive in order to ensure effective knowledge transfer and practical application. In addition to theoretical concepts, numerous practical exercises are carried out, giving participants the opportunity to directly apply what they have learned.

There is a strong emphasis on discussion, sharing experiences and collaborative problem solving to create an interactive learning environment.

A short preparation is required for this course. Approximately one hour is sufficient to optimally prepare for the training.

This course is aimed at people who have already gained some experience with ChatGPT-4 and would like to optimize their work processes with the help of custom GPTs.

It is suitable for, but not limited to, people in the following roles:

  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Chief of Staff
  • Head of Legal & Compliance
  • Legal & Compliance Manager
  • Head of HR
  • HR Manager
  • Head of Learning & Development
  • Learning & Development Manager
  • Head of Social Media
  • Head of Digital
  • Head of Content Marketing
  • Head of Performance Marketing
  • Social Media Strategist
  • Social Media Manager
  • Community Manager
  • Performance Marketing Manager
  • Content Marketer
  • Copywriter
  • Graphic Designer
  • Motion Designer

There are no formal prerequisites for this course, but you should have:

  • Some experience with ChatGPT-4
  • Access to a ChatGPT-4 account
  • Ideas for your own use cases

Otherwise, we recommend attending the following course:

Please bring your own laptop.

You can use it to save what you have been shown and learned directly to your environment and use it immediately for your daily work in the company. If you do not have a laptop, we can provide you with a computer. In this case, please contact after registering for the course.



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