
Optimization of Google AdWords campaigns («GO3»)

Learn the most important and effective measures to achieve the best performance with your own Google Ads campaigns. Discover practical techniques and proven strategies to increase the success of your Google Ads.
Duration 1 day
Price 850.–
Course documents Digital handouts

Course facts

  • Deepening your knowledge of ads with a practical focus
  • Gaining an overview of the biggest levers for optimising the entire Ads account using a handy checklist
  • Learning tips and tricks for campaign optimisation and how to apply them using your own Google Ads account as an example
  • Understanding the options for automating processes
  • Deepening your knowledge of web analytics and conversion tracking

1 Google Ads repetition

  • The most important campaign settings 
  • Important key performance indicators for evaluating and optimizing Google Ads campaigns
  • Overview of the different campaign types in Google Ads: Search, GDN, Shopping, YouTube

2 Strategy and goal setting

  • Possibilities for strategy formulation for Google Ads campaigns
  • Define your own strategy and check it with the help of KPIs
  • Compile catalog of measures for campaign optimizations

3 Implementing campaign optimizations

  • Together, the identified campaign weak points are optimized
  • Keyword optimization: Analyze existing keywords and add new ones
  • Ad text optimization
  • Landing page control
  • Bid optimizations for effective budget planning
  • Get to know automated reports

4 Conversion tracking with Google Analytics

  • Get to know the possibilities of Google Ads Conversion Tracking
  • Determining your own conversions for Google Ads campaigns 
  • Set up conversion rate tracking for Google Ads

5 Designing remarketing ads

  • Get to know the possibilities of remarketing
  • Implementing and analyzing your own remarketing campaign

6 Controlling and reporting

  • Get to know automated reporting and controlling possibilities through further tracking tools

People who are responsible for AdWords campaigns and have already had experience with Google AdWords. Due to its workshop character, the seminar is targeted at companies who want to optimise small and manageable campaigns (Monthly budget: CHF 300.– to 1000.–). Also addressed are agencies that want to deepen their knowledge of AdWords and have already gained initial experience.

You have already set up AdWords campaigns, gained initial experience and would like to optimize your campaigns and increase the efficiency of existing campaigns. Access to an AdWords account with ongoing campaigns is a mandatory requirement.

Please bring your own laptop with you. 
You can use your laptop to store what you have seen and learned during the course and use it immediately for your daily work in the company. If you do not have a laptop, we can provide you with a computer. After registering for the course, please contact



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