
Jira for agile teams («JIRA03»)

Jira is particularly useful for managing agile projects of all shapes and sizes. This course shows you exactly how it works.
Duration 1 day
Price 1'300.–
Course documents Digicomp courseware in English (digital)

Course facts

  • Using Jira to track projects in an agile way
  • Jira hierarchy overview
  • Kanban boards
  • Timeline (former Roadmaps) on Kanban boards
  • Scrum boards
  • Timeline (former Roadmaps) on Scrum boards
  • Kanban reports
  • Sprint reports
  • Workflows with advanced configuration
  • Finishing

People using Jira as part of an agile team or looking to implemenent agile methodologies.

Good knowledge of key Jira concepts and good basic knowledge of agile methods or attendance of the following courses:

Please note: The training will be on the Jira Data Center / Service version. The trainer will discuss the differences to the Atlassian Cloud. In-house trainings can of course take place on either the Atlassian Cloud or the Server variant. Please let us know your preferences for in-house training in advance.



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