IREB CPRE | Advanced Level – RE@Agile (Practitioner)
This module aims at how to deal with (existing) requirements in an agile environment, as well as in scaled agile environments. Basic knowledge of Requirements Engineering is advantageous.
The RE@Agile module provides skills to apply RE methods in agile development processes. It supports RE experts in agile environments on the one hand and agile teams in the targeted use of RE tools on the other hand.

The module provides the skills to:
  • successfully plan, implement and perform RE techniques and methods in agile projects
  • successfully plan, implement and perform techniques and methods from Agile approaches in RE
  • combine Agile approaches and RE techniques to the benefit of all stakeholders
  • correctly use the terminology of RE in an Agile context
Comprehensive preparation

IREB CPRE | Advanced Level – RE@Agile («IRREAG»)

2 days