
Resilience – Strengthening Personal Resistance («H33757»)

Would you like to remain powerful and calm despite high demands and complex working conditions and benefit from adversity? In this course you will learn more about resilience and how this inner strength helps you to stay resistant.
Duration 2 days
Price 2'200.–

Course facts

  • Getting to know the seven pillars of resilience
  • Strengthening your own resilience and wealth of resources through clearer self-awareness, self-leadership and realistic acceptance
  • Becoming more confident and calm in dealing with stormy times
  • Exploring your own room for manoeuvre and options more effectively
  • Maintaining your own boundaries and acting with realistic goals

1 What is resilience?

  • History of the term and significance for the development of one's own psychological resilience
  • Resilience, emotional intelligence, salutogenesis and stress management - how are they related?
  • The framework of personal and professional effectiveness

2 Factors and key elements for greater inner resilience

  • The seven resilience strategies: from emotion management to goal orientation
  • The methods: from mindfulness to constructive thinking
  • Step by step to more resilience
  • Facing change, assessing situations accurately
  • Interaction of body-mind-actions
  • Perception of constructive and destructive thinking patterns
  • Self-leadership on the way to increased resilience and resourcefulness
  • Setting goals, using methods profitably and individually

3 Resilience coaching

  • Analysis of own resilience profile
  • Resilience toolkit for everyday office life
  • Checking basic patterns, attitudes and assessments
  • Getting to know and using mindfulness
  • Recognizing room for maneuver more clearly
  • Determining concrete plans and make a commitment

Alternating impulse contributions and interactions: individual and group exercises, practical cases, moderated field reports and discussions

This course is aimed at professionals, managers and all employees who want to strengthen their natural resistance to stressful situations.

There are no formal requirements for this course.

This training can also be offered virtually upon request.



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