1 Basic Understanding of Platforms
- The disruptive power of platforms – why Nokia & Co. had to leave the field
- The platform revolution: platform vs pipeline business models
- The differences between marketplaces, matchmakers, networks, platforms and ecosystems
2 The 1x1 of the Platform Economy
- The main types of network effects in two-sided markets
- Scalability, economies of scale, positive and negative network effects
- Strategies to overcome the chicken and egg problem
- Selecting, testing and establishing monetisation strategies
- Openness and participation – the balancing act of turning «consumers» into «prosumers»
- Trust: how to build trust on the platform
3 How to Launch a Platform
- Think big, start small: How do you turn a classic business model into a platform vision?
- Master the start-up tools and identify the common threads: Understand and select platform toolkits, e.g. value proposition canvas, business model canvas, platform canvas, etc.
- Build an MVP – Minimum Viable Platform with board tools
4 Strategic Platform Considerations
- Customer touch points: Strategic differentiation and raw material for platform business models
- Technologies as enablers and data as a strategic resource - best practice examples
- Digression: «The winner takes it all» – the need for regulation of platforms
- Lean platform metrics – «If you can't measure it, you can't manage it» Measuring platform success and how KPIs differ from pipeline business models