Red Hat OpenStack Administration I: Core Operations for Domain Operators («CL110»)
Learn how to install, configure, use, and maintain Red Hat OpenStack Platform.
Vendor code
5 days
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This is a reseller course and as such excluded from any discounts.
Course facts
- Launch an instance
- Manage projects, quotas, and users
- Manage networks, subnets, routers, and floating IP addresses
- Create and manage block and object storage in the Openstack framework
- Customize instances with cloud-init
- Deploy scalable stacks
- Deploy Red Hat OpenStack Platform using PackStack
- Install and configure Red Hat OpenStack Platform (using PackStack)
- Manage users, projects, flavors, roles, images, networking, and block storage
- Set quotas
- Configure images at instantiation
- Course introduction
- Introduce and review the course.
- ?Launch an instance
- Launch an instance and describe the OpenStack architecture and use cases.
- Organize people and resources
- Manage projects,users, roles, and quotas.
- Describe cloud computing
- Describe the changes in technology and processes for cloud computing.
- Manage Linux networks
- Manage Linux networks and bridges.
- Prepare and deploy an internal instance
- Manage images, flavors, and private networks in preparation for launching an internal instance and launch and verify an internal instance.
- Manage block storage
- Manage ephemeral and persistent block storage.
- Manage object storage
- ? Manage object storage.
- Prepare and deploy an external instance
- Manage external networks and security in preparation for launching an external instance and launch and verify an external instance.
- Customize instances
- Customize an instance with cloud-init.
- Deploying scalable stacks
- Deploy a stack and configure autoscaling.
- Install OpenStack
- Install an OpenStack proof of concept using Packstack.
- Comprehensive review of Red Hat OpenStack Administration I
- Review tasks in the Red Hat OpenStack Administration I course.